Veneers Little Rock

Erase Chips, Cracks, Stains, and More

When you see yourself in photos or in the mirror, are you distracted by flaws in your teeth? Unfortunately, even the smallest imperfection in your pearly whites can take a huge toll on your confidence and willingness to smile. At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we can practically erase chips, cracks, stains, and more and replace them with the smile of your dreams! Read on to learn more about this popular cosmetic treatment and give us a call today to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose Little Rock Family Dental Care For Veneers?

  • Highly Experienced Team of Dental Professionals
  • Completely Customized Treatment for Your Unique Smile
  • Convenient Hours and Locations

What are Veneers?

With veneers in Little Rock, your cosmetic dentist can completely transform the appearance of one or more of your teeth. These ultra-thin, tooth-shaped shells can be bonded to the front of a tooth to completely transform its appearance. Each one is custom-made for incredibly lifelike and dazzling results. Veneers are commonly used to correct issues like:

  • Chips, cracks, or other visible damage.
  • Stubborn stains that can’t be lifted with teeth whitening.
  • Small gaps or spaces between teeth.
  • Teeth that are small, worn down, or misshapen.

How are Veneers Placed?

Enhancing your smile with veneers typically only takes two quick and easy appointments. After you and your cosmetic dentist have decided that veneers are the best choice for you, your teeth will need to be prepared. This involves removing a thin layer of enamel about the size of a contact lens from the front of your teeth. Then, we’ll take impressions of the area and send them to a dental laboratory, where they’ll be used to create your custom-made veneers.

Before you leave, we’ll fit you with temporary veneers to keep your teeth safe and comfortable until your next appointment. Before you know it, you’ll be returning to our office for your second appointment. The temporary shells will be removed, and your beautiful permanent veneers will be bonded into place. We’ll check to make sure your bite is comfortable, then you’ll be ready to show off your brand-new smile to the world!

Who is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Previously, veneers were only used to improve smiles meant for the silver screen. Nowadays, however, while they’re still a popular choice among celebrities like Morgan Freeman and Miley Cyrus, nearly anyone can get veneers! You may be a good candidate if:

  • You have suitable tooth enamel: Veneers need to adhere to healthy tooth enamel to stay in place, so if you don’t have enough natural tooth structure, they may not be the best choice for you.
  • You’re in good oral health: Issues like tooth decay and gum disease can potentially threaten the success of your veneers, so they’ll need to be addressed first.
  • You want to fix several cosmetic issues at once: If you have several cosmetic imperfections in your smile, veneers are an excellent way to treat them all at once.

What are the Benefits of Veneers?

Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available because of their numerous benefits, such as:

  • Incredibly beautiful and lifelike results.
  • Quick, easy, and non-invasive treatment.
  • Durable and stain-resistant materials.
  • Easy to care for and long-lasting.

It’s never been easier to get the flawless smile you’ve always wanted! Call us today to see if this treatment is right for you!

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

If you are aiming for a beautiful Hollywood smile, investing in veneers can help you achieve your goal. The good news is that you don’t have to be a celebrity to afford veneer treatment! However, when considering the cost of veneers in Little Rock, remember that quality is important. Like with most things in life, you get what you pay for! To learn more about whether veneers are the best way to transform your smile, don’t forget to consider the full range of cosmetic services available at Little Rock Family Dental Care.

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Cost vs. Cosmetic Dentistry: What’s Right for Me?

Cost is only one factor when choosing how to make dental flaws disappear. For example, your timeline and specific smile goals must also be taken into account. With that in mind, here are some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures you may want to consider:   

  • Direct Bonding – Bonding treatment is a fast and affordable way to cover up chipped, cracked, stained, and even gapped teeth. It can typically be accomplished in just a single visit to a cosmetic dentist in Little Rock. In general, direct bonding must be touched up every few years.
  • Teeth Whitening – A brilliant white smile can dazzle old friends and new acquaintances alike! At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we use ZOOM! teeth whitening to deliver stunning results in a matter of minutes. You can also brighten your smile gradually with convenient take-home teeth whitening kits. Keep in mind that teeth whitening only changes the color of your teeth and cannot hide any chips, cracks, or other physical dental flaws.
  • Veneers – While veneers in Little Rock may cost more than other procedures, they are a versatile cosmetic treatment that can upgrade a single tooth or transform an entire smile. In just two short appointments, veneers can change the color, shape, and position of your teeth. After the veneer treatment, your smile will be ready for the red carpet!
  • Braces – If your teeth are badly misaligned, you may benefit more from orthodontic treatment than cosmetic dentistry. Traditional braces are very effective at straightening teeth. However, you cannot rely on braces to address stained, misshapen, or chipped teeth. Orthodontic treatment can often be expensive, usually costing around $5,000 to $6,000.

How to Make Veneers Affordable

In general, most dental insurance plans do not cover cosmetic treatments, including veneers. However, there are still ways you can achieve the beautiful smile you deserve without breaking the bank.

For example, many of our patients take advantage of flexible financing through CareCredit to help manage the cost of their cosmetic treatments. CareCredit offers convenient low to no-interest payment plans to those who qualify. Instead of paying for veneers upfront, you can break down the cost of treatment into affordable monthly payments.

At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we believe everyone deserves to be able to look in the mirror and feel happy about the smile they see in the reflection. If you are interested in transforming your teeth with veneers or another cosmetic treatment, schedule an initial consultation today! Our team will do everything we can to help you achieve your smile goals at a reasonable cost.

Veneer FAQs

How do you maintain veneers?

Veneers don’t get discolored or develop cavities like natural teeth, but that doesn’t mean you can slack off on your oral hygiene! Remember, veneers only cover the front surface of your tooth. You must keep the teeth under your veneers (as well as the rest of your smile) healthy if you want your veneers to last. Thankfully, that’s a simple task! Make sure to brush for two minutes twice a day, use high-quality waxed dental floss, and rinse regularly with non-alcoholic mouthwash to keep your new smile strong and sparkling.

How many veneers will I need?

At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we don’t believe in cookie-cutter cosmetic dentistry. Your cosmetic treatment will be 100% personalized for your unique smile goals. Veneers are a versatile solution for a variety of dental flaws and can be used to conceal one or several imperfections at once. While this means you can choose to get a single veneer, we typically recommend getting them in pairs. We find that getting veneers on the front two, four, six, or eight teeth tends to offer the most seamless results.

Are veneers permanent?

When considering veneers, it’s important that you keep in mind that the process cannot be reversed. Placing veneers requires the removal of a very thin layer of enamel. Since enamel doesn’t naturally grow back, your prepared teeth will always need to be covered with veneers to protect them from damage and decay. Thankfully, the material used to create veneers is reliably durable and even resistant to chipping, so you can easily expect to enjoy your veneers for 15 years or more with proper care.

Will my dental insurance cover my veneers?

Unfortunately, most dental insurance companies don’t cover the cost of cosmetic treatments like veneers. However, every policy has different rules and restrictions. Feel free to bring your insurance paperwork with you to your consultation and we’ll review its details. Our talented team has years of experience helping our patients maximize their benefits and minimize their out-of-pocket expenses.

We’re also pleased to offer third-party financing options through CareCredit. This would allow you to break up the cost of your treatment into easy payments that fit into your monthly budget. During your consultation, we’ll go over your estimate for the cost of your treatment as well as all your options for making it as affordable as possible.

You don’t have to live with dental imperfections if you don’t want to! Give us a call today to schedule your consultation for veneers and make your dream smile a reality.