November 27, 2013

Thumb sucking is a very natural thing for a child to do, and for many it develops as a reflex. While it can be a useful method for stress reduction and coping for infants, it can become a problem as the child ages and starts developing teeth.

Since thumbs or fingers come in direct contact with teeth that are coming in, they have a direct impact on the growth and future state of the teeth and jaw. Not only could this result in crooked or unhealthy teeth, but it could also have impacts on a child’s speech and/or bite. That means that until the child is old enough for braces, talking or chewing may be difficult or irregular.

Normally, children tend to stop sucking their thumbs as their teeth begin to come in. In some cases this is due to the child developing other coping mechanisms due to language or mobility. However, many children continue to suck their thumbs or fingers past infancy. Some studies show that even in children as young as two years, thumb sucking can have negative effects on the jaw. (more…)

November 21, 2013

Since our teeth are the first to interact with the foods we eat, we can’t ignore them when we think about our diets.

Just like the rest of the body, different foods are better for your teeth and gums than others. Some foods contain minerals that help to strengthen teeth, others promote production of saliva to wash away bacteria and plaque buildup, and still others can help to remove food particles that get stuck on or between teeth just through the act of eating them.

Here are just 5 examples of fortifying foods for your teeth:

Water. Depending on where you live, water can be fluoridated, meaning it is treated with fluoride for the purpose of strengthening teeth. Drinking water also helps to wash away bacteria and food particles that stick on or between teeth.

Citrus. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons strengthen gums through their high concentration of vitamin C. Back in the days of sailing ships, crews used to eat vitamin C rich foods like limes and sauerkraut in order to prevent scurvy—two of the main symptoms of which are gum disease and the loss of teeth. (more…)